Electrical Installation and
NICEIC Approved Member
Being qualified electrical contractors our company offer an electrical package to clients should they wish to choose this option but are likewise happy to supply automation systems only.

As qualified electricians we can get on with any electrical modification, big or small, that otherwise would require the involvement of other trades, saving money, delays and disruption, all meaning our projects operate smoothly.
We are Approved Contractors with NICEIC which regulates electrical installations. We are required to pass annual inspections to show we meet technical and safety standards and are competent in design, installation, commissioning and maintenance.

We are proud members of CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation) which represents worldwide excellence for Smart Audio Visual Installations and Industry Professionals and ensures the highest standards are maintained in an industry that is forever evolving.
Paul is an active member and has represented Cedia at the Grand Designs show on “Ask the Expert”

To book a no abligation consultation call 01777 816806.